Saturday, December 16, 2006

Vocal performance: it's not about you

Ever been nervous about your vocal performance? Perhaps it is because your voice doesn't understand what you want it to do. Here's a paradoxical truth: YOUR GREATEST SINGING IS NOT ABOUT YOU!

When you make vocal performance all about yourself it leads to self-consciousness, numbness, stage fright, bad vocal technique and disconnection to the audience.

YES, anytime you sing or speak publically, you need to send out your presence and claim the room- but direct your voice TO the one the lyrics speak to and do it FOR the audience and you'll be amazed at your confidence level. Study your favorite singers and see this principle at work. My recording artist clients all use this to great effect both in the studio and on the road.

Here's a current example: My student Maria Standing Rock just graduated Suma cum Laude from Belmont University and did some Karaoke at her graduation party. She sang several great songs but her shining vocal moment came when she sang a song to her mother. She was emotional, but not nervous. Her dad passed away a couple of years ago, but his spirit must have been listening to his daughter and smiling.

Gifts are for giving. That's how they shine best!

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