Saturday, December 23, 2006

A voice to love in hip-hop

Mat Kearney began lessons with me a few years ago as a Christian rapper/songwriter. He learned to find his full, natural voice and last year became a monster hit maker- amazingly signing to major labels in Christian and pop music, simultaneously. His first single, "Undeniable", shot out of the box as the most-added single in the history of Christian Hit Radio (CHR).

He is now also shining in the mainstream secular field. Artists he's toured with include John Mayer and Cheryl Crow. He is EVERYWHERE in the media... check it out on his website

If you want to buy a positive, urban-real, extremely intellegent cd in the hip/hop and alternative rock genre with GREAT MESSAGES, get Mat's breakout cd titled"Bullet", or his new cd "Nothing Left To Lose" They would make a great last minute stocking stuffers, too!

By the way, if you are a hip-hop artist, please know that you will help yourself by singing with the same body language with which you rap. This encourages confidence, staying loose, tall, and communicative.

Oh, and may God bless you and your loved ones this Christmas season with happy memories and great music!


whipsnail said...

Great blog, Judy! Thanks for sharing. I haven't seen one like it and it's great to have fast tips especially this time of year for healthy reminders into the flu season of singing fearlessly, lol.

Happy New Year! :)

Unknown said...

I appreciate the thumbs up, and you are more than welcome!!
If you get a moment, would you let me know how you found me? Thx!
